Tuesday, March 19, 2013

P.S. I love you

On weekend I watched "P.S. I love you". It's such a nice but very very sad movie... I've already seen it several years ago and also read the book from Cecilia Ahern.
Losing the person you love is such a dreadful thing. Losing your child, losing your mother or father, your sibling, your husband, wife or partner, your best friend... I don't want to imagine a life without my sweetheart...
When my father passed away of cancer 8 years ago I was devastated. It was so hard for my mother, brother and me. We couldn't believe when he was gone - just like that, from one day to the other...
I had always thought that those tragic things only happen to other people, in sad stories or movies. My mother was not only sad but also angry because she had been taking care of my father during his sickness and had fought with him against the horrible cancer. She hadn't had time for anything else, she gad given up her 'life' to help my father - her life at that time had been consisting of helping and supporting my father. She had fought so hard but lost in the end. My father lost the fight, my mother lost the fight and in the end her beloved husband... I can only imagine how she felt at that time. I knew that she was suffering a lot but when she told her sister months later that she doesn't see any reason to go on with her life anymore, I was so shocked... How could she say things like that? What about us? My brother who was only 14 at that time needed her. I needed her, we are still here, we are her children - she as our mother has to go on with her life for us!
Around 2 years after my dad's passing my mother's condition got better. She wasn't that devastated anymore. We all got used to the fact that Papa was gone now. But we never got used to his absence completely. I can't forget him. We will never forget him. Even after 8 years, I still miss him a lot.... I still get tears in my eyes when I think of him.
I just wish I could see him and talk to him for just one more time. Thank him for everything he has done for me, for us all. And tell him that I love him. I never told him that when he was still alive... But I'm sure, well, I really do hope so, he knows that now.
It is so important to live your life to the fullest, as if it's the last day. Don't do anything that you will regret later. Tell your loved ones that you love them...

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