Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Secret - it changes your life

Do you know the book "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne? If not, it is HIGH time you get to know about it because it will change your life - unless you are a happy and thankful person already. :)
I got to know about the book some time in 2008 when I was having dinner with my female friend T and a guy we got to know at a BBQ party at the American Embassy residence in Tokyo. I think he was into her but she just wanted to have a casual dinner so she asked me to join.
During the dinner he mentioned once something about the Law of Attraction. He explained that you should always be positive and that you could attract everything that you want in your life. I got curious. I don't remember how I found the book eventually - if it was because I was surfing the internet looking for the word "The Law of Attraction" or did I find the book randomly in a bookstore and I remembered about the conversation with that guy? Dunno...
However, I am very VERY thankful that I found it! It really changed my life and made many of my wishes come true! I used to be such a pessimist back then but now I think positively and life is beautiful and so much easier.
The theory of The Secret is quite simple: you have to be THANKFUL for everything you have in your life, be positive, don't have negative thoughts and strongly BELIEVE in things you want in your life. Any dreams and wishes of yours will come true because you can attract EVERYTHING in your life. That is the Law of Attraction.

There is also a movie based on the book so if you would like to know more about it just click on the youtube and watch the first 20 minutes:

"The Power" and "The Magic" are Rhonda Byrnes latest powerful and magical books. I have finished reading "The Power" and am reading the third one at the moment but I think "The Secret" is the best book so far.

I recommended The Secret to many friends - especially to those who were having difficult times and were thinking very negatively about their life. They were ALL hooked when they read the book! My friends and also my mother are all using the secret of the Law of Attraction and are positive-thinkers now. :)

Here's the official website:

On the website when you go to "Living the Secret" there is a topic called "The Secret Scrolls". Place your name, e-mail address and click on subscribe: you will receive inspirational messages from the author Rhonda Byrne periodically by e-mail - for free!

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