O.M.G. My eyes became all heart-shaped when I saw this picture from the westwing.ch wedding-special. Isn't it pretty?!
Ok, to be honest, I don't really think macarons are very tasty but they are the prettiest-looking sweets, aren't they? Especially when they are pastel-colored like those from Ladurée! ;)
Anyhow, this macaron-tower and the tiered cake stand with all the goodies arranged look amazing! I would want them on my own wedding, too instead of an usual and boring white wedding cake... Not that I'm planning my wedding right now but these days I read and hear and see a lot about this big topic.
Some of my co-workers or friends got married or are getting married, all the tv-series I'm watching are talking about the big w-day, zalando did a wedding-issue and now there is a wedding-special on westwing.ch with lovely pictures and an interview with a wedding planner...
Well, don't get me wrong, it is nice. I don't feel bad or frustrated or left on the shelf or something. I'm just wondering why that topic is so relevant right now. Of course I want to get married one day. A few years ago, I was actually hoping I would be married and have my first child at my current age that I am right now.... Weeell, it didn't happen and it will not happen any time soon but I'm ok with that. My boyfriend is a little younger than me and since we are in a different stage of life, marrying and having kids doesn't come into consideration. We do talk about it and about our future together and that's all that matters to me right now. I can't imagine becoming a housewife and changing diapers, anyway... ;) I'd rather enjoy a princessy afternoon tea with pastell-colored goodies and wear pretty dresses! <3 br="">
via weheartit.com

via weheartit.com
I love the space here. The main floor is very large and good size without being overwhelming, also there's tons of bar space too to order drinks.